More Scenic, Less Septic: CalTrans PCH plan
Goats Work: Michael Leicht of Ventura Brush Goats
Surf, Wind and Fire: The Franklin Fire
Local Knowledge: Skylar Peak Speaks!
Is the MRCA a four-letter word?
Three Hour Tour de Force Majeure
Literary Firestorm - The Palisades Fire
Adrenaline is a Funny Drug
Galerie de Vitesse so far - 12-23-24
Malibu Fire: The Bible
Malibu Fire 1: Pilot Teaser
Malibu Fire 2: Smash and Grab teaser for Episode 2
Malibu Fire 3: Secrets of the Sea teaser for Episode 3
Sedimental Journey: Alternative Plan for Rindge Dam
Strange Bedfellows: Malibu Deserves Better
Common Sense: What Haylynn Wants. Episode 2.
Signs, Signs: Haylynn Conrad for Malibu City Council
Bunce Beach: Behind the Scenes
Coder, Baker, Tasty-Snack Maker: Alison Bunce
Flow State: Dawn Ready review
If You Wanna Kiss the Sky: The Edge and Sweewater Mesa
Buzz Wax Automotive Hygiene
World of Concrete
A Clean, Well-lighted Place: Scott's Malibu Market
Miss July: Interview with a punctual white shark
She Works Hard for the Money: Colllen Brennan of Bad Bitch Builders
Dorian Bernard: Thoroughly Mid Century Modern
Civil War: Ana Afzali on the Spanish Civil War
Flying Sideways: Helicopter Filmer Fred North
Surf Canyon: Malibu Returns to the Source
FuturaMalibu - a Modest Proposal.
Bond Villain or Trump Crony?
Women Are Lit!: Chelsie Diane.
Gen Estrogen: House of Bossi at Aviator Nation
Shine on You Crazy Matt Diamond
The Missionary Position: Father Serra Gets Cancelled!
Mid Century Malibu: The Found Art of Paul Dubosclard
Zinque Weekend: The New Kid in Town
The Need for Speed... Cameras
CYBRTRCK Ad: We Want the Frunk!
Reef Madness: Jolyon Collier of Counting Coral
Beast Mode: Luca Padua interview
Biggest Little Sports Bar in Malibu
Aggressively Human
A Better Voice: Valerie Morehouse Interview
Transitions: La Salsa Man Interview
Merwoman: Lauren Pena is Lavender
Vampire: Olivia Rodrigo's Song of the Year
Swipe: The synopsis.
Still Standing: The Malibu Newsstand
Oystein Greni: Le Californie
Malibu Noir: The Long Goodbye
Birth of the Endless Summer
Billy Gale: Country's Secret Weapon
SURFER Video Awards: Rules!
SURFER Video Awards: Drilled!
Malibu Robbie: The Barbie Connection
Beach Blanket Babylon: 5 Malibu Connections
Ben's Bio
Man Fights Shark
Andy Lyon for Malibu City Council - NOT!
You Wouldn't Read About It - Mundaka story from 1984
Chumash to Hard Cash: Malibu Histoy
Breaking Point - A Pitch for Clint and Scott Eastwood
Trunk It - Waikiki from 1906 - WWII then California in 1947
Lucia Griggi's Skateboard Portraits
Trump Crony or Bond Villain?
Ben's Books
Dick Metz - Hey! I'm in Africa! excerpt.
The Gary Lynch Collection of Cowboy Music
Big Wave Guardians: Review.
Sean N'SoulSational! : A New Malibu Surf Shop
Malibuillabaisse - Broad Street Oyster Co.
An Affair of Honor
Surfisticate: Janet MacPherson (1937 - 2022)
Modern Pleasure: The 250 Husky Bullet
Smoke and Ash: The Hunga-Tonga Volcano
Communication Breakdown: Martin Daly and STARLINK
STARLINK Works! And Answers Malibu Prayers
The Breakfast Club: Eric Steinley Shark Attack
Big Wednesday book review
Deus ex Machina - an Idea for a Space Opera
The Lost Boys - Director's Uncut Cut.
Bubblehead: Chapter One
Birthday Invite 8-29-21
Home Page
Custom Crossword Puzzles!
Lawyers, Guns and Money. Malibu 1930.
Lucia's 365 Surfboards Portraits - 20??
Marilyn and Darilyn
Summer of Neil - Neil Young With The Ducks 1977
Farley's Christmas Wonderland
Isabella Coben Interview
Magazine Writing
Hollywood Stuff
Flexicon / Word Nerd
Online and Websites
Wipeout! - Jim Fuller/Surfaris interview.
Traveler Surf Club: Malibu
The Dick Metz Book - coming soon
Andy Irons: Kissed by God
Sound and Fury: Baby Driver Interview with Julian Slater
Icarus: Raw Interview with Bryan Fogel
Take Every Wave: The Life of Laird Hamilton Review 9-24-2017
Women Who Surf - A Select Slideshow
Buzzy Kerbox book - in process
Kiwi Insure: Because Accidents Will Happen.
research & branding
writing samples
Bunker 77 Review (12-19-2016)
Swipe - An online novel.
Ben Marcus Rules
Writing, Research, General Word Nerdiness
More Scenic, Less Septic: CalTrans PCH plan
Goats Work: Michael Leicht of Ventura Brush Goats
Surf, Wind and Fire: The Franklin Fire
Local Knowledge: Skylar Peak Speaks!
Is the MRCA a four-letter word?
Three Hour Tour de Force Majeure
Literary Firestorm - The Palisades Fire
Adrenaline is a Funny Drug
Galerie de Vitesse so far - 12-23-24
Malibu Fire: The Bible
Malibu Fire 1: Pilot Teaser
Malibu Fire 2: Smash and Grab teaser for Episode 2
Malibu Fire 3: Secrets of the Sea teaser for Episode 3
Sedimental Journey: Alternative Plan for Rindge Dam
Strange Bedfellows: Malibu Deserves Better
Common Sense: What Haylynn Wants. Episode 2.
Signs, Signs: Haylynn Conrad for Malibu City Council
Bunce Beach: Behind the Scenes
Coder, Baker, Tasty-Snack Maker: Alison Bunce
Flow State: Dawn Ready review
If You Wanna Kiss the Sky: The Edge and Sweewater Mesa
Buzz Wax Automotive Hygiene
World of Concrete
A Clean, Well-lighted Place: Scott's Malibu Market
Miss July: Interview with a punctual white shark
She Works Hard for the Money: Colllen Brennan of Bad Bitch Builders
Dorian Bernard: Thoroughly Mid Century Modern
Civil War: Ana Afzali on the Spanish Civil War
Flying Sideways: Helicopter Filmer Fred North
Surf Canyon: Malibu Returns to the Source
FuturaMalibu - a Modest Proposal.
Bond Villain or Trump Crony?
Women Are Lit!: Chelsie Diane.
Gen Estrogen: House of Bossi at Aviator Nation
Shine on You Crazy Matt Diamond
The Missionary Position: Father Serra Gets Cancelled!
Mid Century Malibu: The Found Art of Paul Dubosclard
Zinque Weekend: The New Kid in Town
The Need for Speed... Cameras
CYBRTRCK Ad: We Want the Frunk!
Reef Madness: Jolyon Collier of Counting Coral
Beast Mode: Luca Padua interview
Biggest Little Sports Bar in Malibu
Aggressively Human
A Better Voice: Valerie Morehouse Interview
Transitions: La Salsa Man Interview
Merwoman: Lauren Pena is Lavender
Vampire: Olivia Rodrigo's Song of the Year
Swipe: The synopsis.
Still Standing: The Malibu Newsstand
Oystein Greni: Le Californie
Malibu Noir: The Long Goodbye
Birth of the Endless Summer
Billy Gale: Country's Secret Weapon
SURFER Video Awards: Rules!
SURFER Video Awards: Drilled!
Malibu Robbie: The Barbie Connection
Beach Blanket Babylon: 5 Malibu Connections
Ben's Bio
Man Fights Shark
Andy Lyon for Malibu City Council - NOT!
You Wouldn't Read About It - Mundaka story from 1984
Chumash to Hard Cash: Malibu Histoy
Breaking Point - A Pitch for Clint and Scott Eastwood
Trunk It - Waikiki from 1906 - WWII then California in 1947
Lucia Griggi's Skateboard Portraits
Trump Crony or Bond Villain?
Ben's Books
Dick Metz - Hey! I'm in Africa! excerpt.
The Gary Lynch Collection of Cowboy Music
Big Wave Guardians: Review.
Sean N'SoulSational! : A New Malibu Surf Shop
Malibuillabaisse - Broad Street Oyster Co.
An Affair of Honor
Surfisticate: Janet MacPherson (1937 - 2022)
Modern Pleasure: The 250 Husky Bullet
Smoke and Ash: The Hunga-Tonga Volcano
Communication Breakdown: Martin Daly and STARLINK
STARLINK Works! And Answers Malibu Prayers
The Breakfast Club: Eric Steinley Shark Attack
Big Wednesday book review
Deus ex Machina - an Idea for a Space Opera
The Lost Boys - Director's Uncut Cut.
Bubblehead: Chapter One
Birthday Invite 8-29-21
Home Page
Custom Crossword Puzzles!
Lawyers, Guns and Money. Malibu 1930.
Lucia's 365 Surfboards Portraits - 20??
Marilyn and Darilyn
Summer of Neil - Neil Young With The Ducks 1977
Farley's Christmas Wonderland
Isabella Coben Interview
Magazine Writing
Hollywood Stuff
Flexicon / Word Nerd
Online and Websites
Wipeout! - Jim Fuller/Surfaris interview.
Traveler Surf Club: Malibu
The Dick Metz Book - coming soon
Andy Irons: Kissed by God
Sound and Fury: Baby Driver Interview with Julian Slater
Icarus: Raw Interview with Bryan Fogel
Take Every Wave: The Life of Laird Hamilton Review 9-24-2017
Women Who Surf - A Select Slideshow
Buzzy Kerbox book - in process
Kiwi Insure: Because Accidents Will Happen.
research & branding
writing samples
Bunker 77 Review (12-19-2016)
Swipe - An online novel.
More Scenic, Less Septic: The CalTrans plan
Goats Work: Michael Leitch of Ventura Brush Goats
Particularly Dangerous Situation: The Franklin fire
Local Knowledge: Malibu Community Brigade
Is MRCA A Four-Letter Word?
Three Hour Tour de Force Majeure
Literary Firestorm - The Palisades Fire
Adrenaline is a Funny Drug
Malibu Fire: Show Bible
Malibu Fire: Pilot teaser
Malibu Fire: Smash and Grab
Malibu Fire: Secrets of the Sea
Sedimental Journey: The Plan for Rindge Dam
Common Sense: What Haylynn Wants
Signs, Signs: Haylynn Conrad for City Council
Bunce Beach Saves the Day!
Alison Bunce: Code, Baker, Tasty-Snack Maker
Flow State: Dawn Ready with Laird and Daniel Robinson
Buzzed: Buzz Wax Automotive Hygeine
We Want the Frunk: CYBRTRCK ad
A Clean, Well Lighted Place: Scott's Malibu Market
Miss July: The Punctual Predator
Colleen Dwyer Brennan of Bad Bitch Builders
Concrete World: Las Vegas and APD
Dorian Bernard: Thoroughly Mid Century Modern
Spain's Ghosts: Ana Azali PhD
Surf Canyon: Back to the Beginning
FuturaMalibu: A plan for Central Malibu
Bond Villain or Trump Crony?
Women Are Lit! Chelsie Diane
ENTRUMPENEURS: Red Merch in a Blue City
Gen Estrogen: House of Bossi Rocks the House
The Missionary Position: Father Serra Gets Canceled!
Shine on You Crazy Matt Diamond
Zinque Weekend: The New Kid in Town
The Need for Speed... Cameras
Reef Madness: Jolyon Collier of Counting Coral
Mid Century Malibu: Paul Dubosclard
BEAST MODE: Luca Padua interview
Biggest Little Sports Bar
Aggressively Human: Steve Wright NFL Memoir
A Better Voice: Valerie Morehouse Interview
Transitions: La Salsa Man
Merwoman: Lavender the Mermaid
Vampire: Olivia Rodrigo's Song of the Year
Swipe: The Pilot
Birth of the Endless Summer
Billy Gayle: Surf and Sounds
Oystein Greni: Big Bang's Le Californie
Malibu Noir: The Long Goodbye
Malibu Robbie: The Malibu Connection
Still Standing: The Malibu Newsstand
Surfer Video Awards: Rules
Trophee Du Turtle: Drilled!
Ben's Bio
Beach Blanket Babylon: 5 Malibu Connections
Man Fights Shark
Andy Lyon for City Council!!!!!
Mundaka Story 1984
Chumash to Hard Cash: Malibu History
Breaking Point
Trunk It
Lucia Griggi's Skateboard Portraits
Trump Crony or Bond Villain?
Ben's Books By Ben
Dick Metz In Africa!
Magazine Writing
Big Wave Guardians: Review
Hollywood Stuff
Sea 'N Soulsational!
Lynch Collection of Cowboy Music Memorabilia
Marilyn and Darilyn
Malibuillabaisse: Broad Street Oyster
An Affair of Honor
Surfisticate: Janet MacPherson (1937 - 2022)
Summer of Neil '77.
The 250 Husky Mag Bullet
Smoke and Ash: Hunga-Tonga Volcano
Martin Daly and Beran Island
Breakfast Club: Salmon Creek Shark Attack
Big Wednesday Review
Bubblehead: Chapter One
Lucia's 365 Surfboards Portraits
Custom Crosswords
The Lost Boys: Long Version
Bizzy Coben Interview